Productivity and Prioritization Online: What’s That???

Why do we feel like we need to check our emails constantly? Or watch our Twitter feed? How many times do we go online for one reason and end up at a completely different place when we’re done? Are we ever done? Technology gives us the ability to be online and stay connected 24/7, via smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Many view this as a CONSTANT nightmare.

Feeling like there’s a million and one things to do online, leaves us feeling stressed when we open our computers. Realizing these effects exist, is the first step to a less stressful online experience. It comes down to two things Productivity and Prioritization, and understanding what’s important and how to manage stress.

Online distractions come in many forms. For me, it’s not so much one particular site that is distracting, but the ability to have all my emails, Twitter feed, and Facebook up at once. I confess, I have to completely log myself out of these programs when trying to get work finished, especially when trying to write. Although, I admit to spending at least a good 15 minutes of free time checking these sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, before starting on a new task or project. A recent post in
The New Yorker titled, In Praise of Distraction, James Surowiecki mentions that recent research shows “forcing Internet-addicted employees to to go cold turkey may make them less productive, not more.” (Read more So maybe going completely offline when trying to get work done isn’t the best idea.
Perhaps there are different ways of  managing these behaviors to try and get what you need done, DONE. Manage those impulses, by allotting a certain amount of time to check your social networks or watch that new Youtube video that just went viral, to help you be more productive in the end. Give yourself some FREE Surf Time to check all your favorite sites that you LOVE to spend countless minutes or even hours of your free time on. Then, when your times up, get back to the task at hand. I believe giving yourself these breaks will help your overall productivity! So give it a try!